Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Book Of The Week: Martha Doesn't Say Sorry

Yup, we've completed another week of library books and it's almost time to get fresh batch.  What was our fave this week?  Martha Doesn't Say Sorry by Samantha Berger.  We've been working a lot on parenting techniques in our household and if ever we've met a literary family who practiced the Love and Logic style - this family is one of them.  Martha wrongs her mother.  She wrongs her father.  She wrongs her baby brother.  Do they yell?  Nope.  Do they put her in time out?  Nah.  But they do refuse to play with otters who are naughty.  Soon, Martha realizes it's much nicer to apologize and get along than to be stubborn and alone.  We also appreciate that the book paints Martha as a generally good girl who occasionally makes some poor decisions.  Sometimes kids need a reminder that doing something wrong doesn't make them 'bad' kids - they just need to make it right.  The pictures in the book are also deliciously fun and my kids asked to read it again and again.  If you need a good book about consequences, then Martha Doesn't Say Sorry is the read for you!
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